Last Sunday I was so blessed by the prayers many of you shared at the close of our worship time.

Hearing so many hearts open up in love to God was wonderful. For me, this is such a key part of true worship! Thanks to all those who contributed, especially Matt, Ben and Marcello who set up and led us in worship.

"Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire, he breaks out against all sound judgement."
Psalm 18:1

As I spoke to many of you afterwards, your reflections reminded me of God's wisdom in calling us to gather together each week to encourage each other in life and faith. This isn't just something other people need, but something that people like you and I need! From the dawn of creation, God has made it clear, "It's not good" to be alone! If this is true in life, it's certainly true of a life of faith.

This is why we constantly encourage each other into simple rhythms (like gathering to encourage each other) that help us foster a fully alive faith:

Knowing Jesus, his power and purposes for our life.

Inviting others into our life.

Gathering to encourage each other. (e.g. Sunday!).

I've had to admit to some close friends that I can't promise them any "phenomenal" outcomes, miracles or spiritual successes if they adopted these rhythms. If they turn up to the beach one Sunday, I can't promise their life will turn around or God will reward them.

However, I can tell them that based on God's revelation to us in the Bible, and my 44 years of attempting to live it out, adopting these rhythms week in and week out for months and years will make a tremendous difference! In fact, despite the messages of "success" of some modern-day gurus and celebrity Christians, living a simple life of obedience to God alongside other followers of Jesus is the goal of Christian living.

"...Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity."
1 Timothy 2:2 NLT
"Do your best to live a quiet life. Learn to do your own work well. We told you about this before."
1 Thessalonians 4:11 NLT

On two occasions above, the apostle Paul goes overboard to clarify that you don't need to live a wildly successful or influential life. Rather, a "peaceful and quiet" life, "marked by godliness and dignity" is a wonderful life in God's eyes. I love how Paul reiterates this counter-intuitive mindset is important to God, by reiterating in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, "We told you about this before".

If you desire a deeper faith or a new or renewed intimacy with Jesus aim for simple, not significant, steps forward. It could be opening the Bible for the first time, opening your home to someone God highlights, or turning up to the beach or our next worship night.

Today, I spoke to a friend in a difficult season of life. Earlier this week, amidst a day of despondency, they uncharacteristically reached out to someone for spiritual encouragement. The response was not only of great encouragement but highlighted that God hasn't left them alone in this season! To keep your faith alive in difficult seasons we need each other.

It's the simple things in faith, just like life, that make a significant impact. So, this week, pursue the simple things. Whether it's our rhythms or some other action, step into a simple life with Jesus.

Cheers and God Bless,


Coming Up


Sun 14 Jul 3pm Moffat Gathering
Wed 24 Jul 530pm Deacons Meeting
Sun 21 July 3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 28 Jul 3pm Moffat Gathering

Worship + Prayer Gatherings

Sun 04 Aug Worship + Communion - Venue TBC
Wed 14 Aug Prayer Night - 646pm
Sun 01 Sep "Members Night": Worship, Stories, Meal! Venue TBC
Sun 29 Sep Worship + Communion - Venue TBC
Sun 03 Nov Worship + Communion - Venue TBC
Wed 13 Nov Prayer Night - 646pm
Sun 01 Dec "Members Night": Worship, Stories, Christmas Party! Venue TBC

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus.

Our Rhythms

Get to Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you intentionally open up your life to?
Gather and get involved: who can you connect, listen, share or pray with this weekend?

Our Giving

We are slowly being led to needs for our giving kitty! Please take time to ask God if there is someone in need around you whom God wants you/us to help!

Last month's giving: $10,964
Last month's expenses: $6,515
Balance: $63,555
Giving Kitty Oct-May: $5,000
Giving out Oct-May: $3,680

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

If you would like to support what we are doing and our giving to those in need, you can get started giving to Open Road to meet the needs of our church or get in touch with any questions you may have.

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