Dan Harding

Dan Harding

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Dan Harding

It seemed good...to be generous

“...it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” - Acts 15:28 In the book of Acts, chapter 15, we read an account of the Jerusalem Council, a gathering of the early Christian leaders. To summarise how they arrived at their final decisions they say, "It seemed...

Dan Harding

Jesus, our pathway to freedom

I was grateful to share communion with so many of you last Sunday! I encouraged us to reflect on why Christians have so consistently encouraged each other to "examine themselves" (1 Corinthians 11:28) - see if there is any unconfessed sin in their lives - before taking...

Dan Harding

Annual God-led Meeting (AGM)

“...it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” Acts 15:28 I'm excited to be taking time this Sunday to gather to worship God, celebrate Jesus in communion and share a meal with you all. Alongside our usual, I'm really glad to have our...

Dan Harding

Leading like Jesus

We are in a season where God is speaking to us, two weeks in a row now, about what it means to shepherd people who are lost or hungry. We are also in a season where we are seeking the church's affirmation of "elders", leaders who...

Dan Harding

Growing and "Growing up"

Marcello and I were asked last week by a fellow pastor, "Is the church growing?". My answer was, "No I don't think so. Week to week, we may be shrinking lately!" For a pastor, this can be confronting. However, I've been trying...

Dan Harding

AGM, Elders + thankfulness!

We have much to be thankful for as a church - especially such a young one! Before we go further, here are two people I'm thankful God has placed with us! On Sunday, we shared our book of the Bible for this month, 1 John (see below for...

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