Why the three rhythms?

We want to see all people of faith living for Jesus not simply attending (events) for Jesus.

the three rhythms are hyper-focused on knowing and worshipping the person of Jesus in the expectation that all other aspects of historical Christian faith would spring out of this warm centre.

The goal is that these rhythms are more foundational than programs so that: (a) they can be translated into any culture and/or church worldwide, (b) they find their unique expression in differttn demographics and (c) they can be expressed through a variety of models of church, ministries and programs.

If you are keen to hear more about these rhythms, check out a blog post by Dan on how he came to land on these three rhythms as the priority for any disciple of Jesus.

Who can join Open Road?

Anyone who is interested in following Jesus is more than willing to join us online or in-person.

Where do you meet?

Currently we have meet weekly in a park at Moffat Beach or in a home. To find out where we are week to week get in touch with us today!

Are you only interested in the teachings of Jesus? What about the rest of the Bible?

The intentional focus on Jesus and his teachings in the Bible each week are not to exclude the other portion's of the Christian Scriptures but to ensure that we make "the main thing, the main thing". there is broad scope for all other engagement with biblical teaching, theology and practical living throughout the remainder of each week. However, the focus of each gathering is encouraged to be focused on knowing Jesus and aligning our lives in loving obedience to Him.

Our conviction is that as you engage with the teaching of Jesus and learn to lovingly obey him, the rest of Scripture opens up as a treasure of answers to the questions that begin to arise. 

Is Open Road affiliated with any mainstream denomination (e.g. is this a cult?!)

In December, 2022, Open Road was officially recognised as a QLD Baptist Church. Our pastor, Dan Harding, has been a registered pastor in two other different QLD Baptist churches as well as a QLD ACC church.

How do you do discipleship?

Discipleship is the Christian cultural word for becoming a follower of Jesus, or even more simply, becoming like Jesus. Given the entire reason for Open Road is to enable more and more people to become His disciples, we take it very seriously! We aim to personally and corporately continuously learn more about Jesus and imitating him in every way.

On a personal level, we encourage people to begin by reading or listening to one or two chapters of the gospels (the story of Jesus' life) each day. This grows personal responsibility for ones own spiritual life.

At a larger, group/church-level, discipleship has sometimes been relegated to the fringes of church culture. Our way of doing discipleship is in-built into our three rhythms. Each week we gather to focus on Jesus - worshipping him, learning from him, loving him - and everything else from the week flows out of that. Thus, discipleship is at the centre of what we do and feeds all other spiritual and practical growth.

As people gather in-person or online we expect they will connect with one or more other followers who they can learn from and contribute to.

For those who begin their own gathering we strongly encourage the 10-week "First Followers" course that helps individuals and groups form a foundational, actionable approach to living as a follower (disciple) of Jesus.

When do you plan to move into a building?

We feel we've been led to this simple, enjoyable way of gathering outdoors and in homes. We currently have no plans beyond what we are currently doing. We will update everyone if this change.

What are your future plans?

We are content to continue gathering as we are currently until we feel there is a need to change.