We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to live a generous life, just like Jesus modelled. We want to encourage you to generosity both in your personal life and in your giving to what we can do together as a church community.

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

Currently, our basic needs are being met (P/T wage, admin expenses etc). We encourage you to be generous so that together we can meet the needs of those around us as a church family.

A simple model for individual and church giving

The simple model we encourage is that each of us learn to give Up, In and Out. Giving up to causes that support and grow God's mission around the world. Giving in to those within our own faith community. Giving out to those in the wider community.

Please note that we

How we allocate funds

All funds given to our church bank accounts will be allocated with this same giving framework:

'Giving Up'

Currently this only includes a small annual 'dues' to our denomination (Qld Baptists). In the short term we hope to begin setting aside a portion of monthly giving for starting/supporting future churches that we help start.

'Giving In'

Currently, this includes the immediate needs within Open Road which comprises of one P/T wage and minor expenses (accounting software etc). In the short term we hope to include the support of those in our community who have needs we can contribute towards.

'Giving Out'

In the short term we hope to bring the needs of individuals and families within the wider community to our attention. These are one-off opportunities (e.g., local crisis needs or overseas projects) that we do not budget for but encourage individuals to give towards as they believe God guides them."

Giving Methods

Giving can be made via the below bank details. Cash can be given to our Secretary, Marcello Lalut-Salvatore, in an envelope at any of our gatherings.

Bank Details

Bendigo Bank
Open Road Community Church
BSB: 633-000
ACC: 198652174