As we read the stories of Jesus and get to know who He is, it becomes clear that we are to invite people into our lives just like He did! We don't all have the perfect house, big budgets or gourmet kitchens, but it's clear that a life of love simply requires an open heart to those around us.

Whether we invite other followers of Jesus into our lives and/or those who don't share our faith, to "love our neighbours" is the simplest act of faith and obedience to Jesus.

Inviting someone you live, work, study or play with into your life could simply look like:

  • Checking in on an old friend via text, phone or email
  • Making an effort to get to know your neighbours one conversation at a time
  • Inviting someone over for a meal
  • Taking a colleague or classmate out for a coffee

For many Westerners, Christian or otherwise, opening up our lives and our homes amidst our busy schedules is a stretch. This is just one reason why followers of Jesus aren't meant to walk this journey on their own. To remind each other they are part of something bigger, followers of Jesus need rhythm #3 Gather and get involved.

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