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Dan Harding
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Dan Harding

9am Christmas Eve only :)

Join us this Sunday, 9am 24th of Dec as we gather to celebrate the story of Jesus with and sing some carols! There will be no gathering on Christmas Day, but we will gather on New Year's Eve, Sunday 31st December at 9am. From January we will be...

Dan Harding

Jesus, God with us

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). Matthew 1:23 In a church that aims to be hyper-focused on Jesus, it's amazing that I still feel compelled to slow myself and our church family...

Dan Harding

It seemed good...to be generous

“...it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” - Acts 15:28 In the book of Acts, chapter 15, we read an account of the Jerusalem Council, a gathering of the early Christian leaders. To summarise how they arrived at their final decisions they say, "It seemed...

Dan Harding

Jesus, our pathway to freedom

I was grateful to share communion with so many of you last Sunday! I encouraged us to reflect on why Christians have so consistently encouraged each other to "examine themselves" (1 Corinthians 11:28) - see if there is any unconfessed sin in their lives - before taking...

Dan Harding

Annual God-led Meeting (AGM)

“...it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” Acts 15:28 I'm excited to be taking time this Sunday to gather to worship God, celebrate Jesus in communion and share a meal with you all. Alongside our usual, I'm really glad to have our...

Dan Harding

Leading like Jesus

We are in a season where God is speaking to us, two weeks in a row now, about what it means to shepherd people who are lost or hungry. We are also in a season where we are seeking the church's affirmation of "elders", leaders who...

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