What does it look like to be "fully alive" in Jesus?

In an effort for every part of being to be fully alive, we focus on three key areas of growth: thinking, living and breathing as God intend.

Learning to think about God

We want to stretch our minds with the deep truths about God that are available to us.

Questioning Christianity (bookYouTubeAmazonOrganisation)
A wonderful, Australian resource aimed at people questioning faith. Accessible to younger age groups, we have FREE copies of this resource available upon request.

New City Catechism (ResourceYouTubeAmazonMobile App)
A new approach to an ancient practice of breaking down theological truths into bite-sized question-and-answer format that is accessible for adults and kids alike. The New City Catechism kids app included a simplified version including songs.

Discovery Bible Study Method (Resource and examplesshort video intro)
The Discovery Bible Study Method (DBM) is a simple method of leading a group to study the Bible together. There are many variations on the simple questions you can ask, but every one focuses on asking questions that helps individuals discover for themselves what God is saying and inviting them to in the Bible, the Word of God.

Learning to live like Jesus

every week we prioritise teachings of Jesus in our gatherings in the hope that we conform our lives to His. Many people are in a season where they are keen to learn more about Jesus than a short message allows. + allow to shape our lives

52 Follow (Download FREE PDF

We have created a simple, evolving resource that provides short commentary and further reading on every one of Jesus' commands. These are learnt not as a formula for divine reward, but as a process of discovering just how good Jesus and his teachings are. They truly bring us into his abundant life.

First Followers (DownloadexampleFULL 411 Trainingseparate )
This course is an adaption of a course that has been used all over the world to introduce people to Jesus and outline in narrative (story) form, what He envisioned for the churches that his followers would start. There are many video resources available and this course works amazingly well for children, youth and those with low literacy or theological/religious background.

Learn more and learn how to lead First Followers here.

Discovery Bible Study Method (Resource and examplesshort video intro)
As listed about under 'think', a Discovery Bible Study Method (DBM) is often used to introduce people who don't know anything about Jesus to him through the Bible. In the examples listed above, there are many New Testament narrative stories that can introduce someone to Jesus and his teachings in a simple way.

Learning to breathe like God intend

As followers of Jesus we want to take our spiritual nature seriously. We want to invite God's Holy Spirit, whom Jesus left with us, to breath His life, gifts and power into our lives.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EH DiscipleshipBookCurriculum)
No matter how much we love God, all of us our shaped by our environment and society as a whole. Much of the baggage and wounds we carry through life limit our capacity to love God and those around us. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is an approach to seeing God free us to live as He intended.

Other resources include Emotionally Healthy WomanDay by Day DevotionalEmotionally Healthy Relationships Devotional and more.

When it comes to prayer, Jesus led us all by example. We encourage you to continue to explore a variety of resources and methods of prayer, until you find your own way of praying to the God who loves you!

More to Come
There are a number of other resources on prayer, Christian mediation and using spiritual gifts that we will list here in the future


Do you have any suggestions on how Christians can learn to think, live and breath as God intended? Let us know!