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Dan Harding

Our grandest vision is for you!

Many Christians talk a lot about vision, especially for their churches. Unsurprisingly, I/we also have a vision for our church! I see that God could use us to help others start simple, Jesus-focused churches that help people find and follow Jesus beyond our humble beach gathering. However, our grandest...

Dan Harding

You are gifted to encourage others

G'Day All, I'm sure you've all heard me encourage you into our three rhythms of life and faith: Know, Invite, Gather. The third rhythm, Gather to encourage each other, involves you. Yes, you. All of you. Everyone who is reading this. Gathering together as...

Dan Harding

The power of an invitation

God designed us for not just himself, but each other. Not just to serve each other, but to enjoy, protect, nourish and love each other amidst community. So when Jesus - our friend, saviour and Lord - says, "Love your neighbour as yourself", it's not simply...

Jesus in the book of James

Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” James 2:8 (New Living Translation) Even after our great time away camping, it was wonderful to meet on Sunday arvo and be reminded that (Christian) love is free,...

Dan Harding

Rhythm #1 Get to know Jesus

The simplest way to find + follow Jesus yourself is to find your time to pursue a personal relationship with Him by investing time with him every day. It may be a moment, an hour or a morning, but every one of us can discover more about Jesus and following him...

Dan Harding

Rhythm #2 Invite people into your life

As we read the stories of Jesus and get to know who He is, it becomes clear that we are to invite people into our lives just like He did! We don't all have the perfect house, big budgets or gourmet kitchens, but it's clear that...

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