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Dan Harding

You are gifted to encourage others

G'Day All, I'm sure you've all heard me encourage you into our three rhythms of life and faith: Know, Invite, Gather. The third rhythm, Gather to encourage each other, involves you. Yes, you. All of you. Everyone who is reading this. Gathering together as...

Dan Harding

"...Because he cares for you"

"...casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 I can think of at least two good reasons to pray! 1. I need help! 2. God's helped me before! But do you know one reason I don't always...

Dan Harding

Worship - Sunday 3pm!

This coming week from the 2nd to the 8th of June is Prayer Week for QLD Baptists (QB). We'll engage with this on both Sunday at our worship gathering and midweek at a Tuesday evening prayer night. Sunday 3pm Worship Our worship night is back on the first...

Dan Harding

New friends, prayer and getting practical!

G'Day All, I often speak about INVITING people into our lives as a foundational part of following Jesus. One of the joys of inviting people into your life is how often you are surprised by how many wonderful people you're surrounded by! As Martine and I...

Dan Harding

The power of an invitation

God designed us for not just himself, but each other. Not just to serve each other, but to enjoy, protect, nourish and love each other amidst community. So when Jesus - our friend, saviour and Lord - says, "Love your neighbour as yourself", it's not simply...

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