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Dan Harding

Sunday Venue Change!

G'Day all, Sunday's Worship + Communion gathering will now be at City Life Christian Church from 4 pm: 7 Gregson Pl, Caloundra. Thanks to City Life for their usual generous and gracious support at short notice! Please update anyone you know who comes to Open Road who...

Dan Harding

Denying yourself so you can follow Jesus

G'Day! How great was it to see God bring together our African friends update, Ryan + Hailey's bold obedience, your stories and Jesus' teaching to, "Deny yourself"! God is good at aligning all things for his glory and our good. This Sunday we gather...

Dan Harding

Knowing Jesus

NOTE: This Sunday we are gathering from 3 pm at City Life Baptist, 7 Gregson Place, Caloundra! Please join us for arvo tea, worship, and communion! G'day Open Road! I hope you're sensing the peace of God after our encouragement from Jesus not to let our...

Dan Harding

Worship - Sunday 3pm!

This coming week from the 2nd to the 8th of June is Prayer Week for QLD Baptists (QB). We'll engage with this on both Sunday at our worship gathering and midweek at a Tuesday evening prayer night. Sunday 3pm Worship Our worship night is back on the first...

Dan Harding

Why worship?

This Sunday we'll be gathering in Maleny at 4pm for communion and worship. Please ensure you read the details below about some small changes we've made to our usual worship gatherings. Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him...

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