G'Day Open Roaders!
It was great to get together with so many of you for the first of our monthly worship nights for 2023! Thanks to all those who setup, played/sang, brought food, welcomed people and turned up!
Many Christians, including myself, have often said, "We are designed to worship"! I am quite sure I said something similar at our worship night!
Throughout God's story in the Bible, we see that nature - even the parts that don't have mouths or hands (hills, trees) or human language (birds) - are designed to 'sing' and 'clap their hands'.
"You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands!" - Isaiah 55:12
This is why worshipping God in a variety of expressions is so important in the life of a Christian.
After last Saturday's worship night, many said they loved the night and were excited to see if we could hold more regular worship gatherings in the future.
This is a great opportunity for us to explore what options are available - especially after a wild storm at yesterdays park gathering! Alongside a healthy desire for more regular worship, our beach gatherings are growing in number and it's increasingly hard to hear 100% of what's being said.

For these three reasons our team is working on a simple proposal for a way forward that alleviates these three points (worship, size, hearing).
We've explored quite a few options in the past and I'm asking that you all pray that God would show us (a) if it's the right time for change, and if so, (b) what change might look like and (c) what opportunities could that create in the future!
Giving Out: Tierra Blanca
Secondly, at our worship night I mentioned an exciting opportunity for 'Giving Out' to a third-party project that shares our heart to introduce people to Jesus and His love.
Can I strongly encourage you to find out more about Project Tierra Blanca and consider asking God if He would have you give to it.
To give you an intro, here is a short video from Aaron and Ang. These guys are long term friends of ours as well as family to Jared and Annaliese. They have great experience on the mission field and in business back home. I strongly recommend them as trusted, Jesus-followers who have the best interests of the locals at heart!
To keep things simple, we're encouraging you to give to opportunities like this directly, rather than through the church. As per our giving page, donations to our church will typically be allocated internally. This frees you to give as you desire and are able to the projects we encourage.
Coming Up
Sun 12th Mar 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 19th Mar 4pm Moffat Gathering + BAPTISMS
Sun 26th Mar 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sat 01st April 4pm Worship + Prayer at Tunnel Ridge Ranch
In the near future we will be regularly listing simple financial updates (donations, expenses etc). To donate, check out our giving info.
Keen to know more? At the bottom of every page on our website you can subscribe to our email newsletter!