Ahoy Open Roaders,

Just like the stunning weather we get on the coast this time of year, we are in a unique season as a church! We have few expenses, no rosters and  community space to gather. Sure, we may be a little hard to find, it can be difficult to hear what everyone is sharing and sometimes we get a bit warm/cold/wet. However, there is a beauty to the surprising start and simplicity God has gifted to us.

Little Cove in Noosa, Australia
Photo by Lukas Spirig / Unsplash

I strongly believe that our natural limitations are actually a unique gift to not just our church as a whole, but to each of us individually to be more focused on Jesus than we’ve ever been before.

This is why we constantly encourage you to foster three simple rhythms - knowing Jesus, inviting people into our life and gathering together. While they may seem ‘obvious’, even natural, to some; I believe that intentionally finding your own new expression of them will bring new richness to not just your life, but the world around you.

We’ve explored different trial locations, but don’t feel that’s right just yet. Outsiders regularly tell me there’s mistakes on our website, but it’s not holding us back yet. There are wonderful programs we could host in the future, but now isn't the time. People ask, “What’s next? Aren’t you getting a building soon?”, but that doesn’t seem right for right now either.

So, not just because the rhythms are good, but because we sense this is God's direction for this season, I’m encouraging you to take a bold step in living them out!


  1. Could you read through the gospels (or one gospel) for yourself?
  2. Could you invite someone else to read with you?
  3. Is it time to obey Jesus on that one thing He asked of you many moons ago?


  1. Could you share a lunchbreak with someone?
  2. Is it time you sent that message to an old friend or relative?
  3. Is it time to invite a friend or neighbour for a drink/snag this weekend?
  4. Why not ask God, who could you B.L.E.S.S. this week?


  1. Come to our next gathering prepared to share your bold step?
  2. Ask God for courage to pray for someone you meet next time we gather?

If you undertook ANY of these ideas, or injected one of your own, you are on your way to a more Jesus-focused life. His narrow-er path is available to all, possible to all, and yet we often lack the boldness to lovingly obey his most basic commands.

Be assured, that organising your life around simple rhythms that put the person of Jesus at the centre reap the blessings of an uncommonly blessed and beautiful life.

Cheers and God Bless,


Coming Up

Sun 16 April  4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 23 April    4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 30 April    4pm Moffat Gathering

Sunday 7 May 4pm Worship + Prayer
Sun 14 May  4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 21 May  3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 28 May  3 pm Moffat Gathering

Sat 01 July  SENT Young Adult Conference (Bridgeman Downs Baptist)

Church Camp - On Hold

We had hoped to run a church camp on the weekend of June 16-18. Unfortunately, Tunnel Ridge Ranch doesn't have the accomodation we require, so we are re-assessing what's possible!


In the near future we will be regularly listing simple financial updates (donations, expenses etc). To find out more check out our giving info or how you can help support Project Tierra Blanca

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