This Sunday we'll be gathering in Maleny at 4pm for communion and worship. Please ensure you read the details below about some small changes we've made to our usual worship gatherings.

Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’”
Luke 4:8

Last Sunday I spoke from Luke 4:1-15 and how Jesus revealed new ways we can "worship and serve" God. In short, since he was the perfect, once-for-all sacrifice, and we are now his living temple, we can worship anywhere and everywhere we go.

Furthermore, when Jesus says, "I did not come to be served, but to serve", he models to us that "serving" is not about mere religious duty but about each of us becoming a living sacrifice devoted to a life of loving and serving others just like Jesus.

In short, we worship God when we do the works of Jesus.

So, what does this mean for us when we gather this weekend to "sing worship songs"? If Jesus came, primarily, as a servant, not a singer, why spend time singing?

I believe the main reason we sing in worship is our heart.

Beginning in the Old Testament, right through to the teachings of Jesus and the practice of the first Christians, the Bible is very clear that God isn't just after people who do the right things, but who love him in the innermost part of their beings - their heart.

"Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 John 4:8

God wants the deepest affections of our hearts to be directed at him!

Aside from the psychological and communal power of signing truth together as a church, when we gather to pray and sing together we are turning our hearts and affections to God himself. We are singing about his character and goodness. We are declaring the truth and power of Christ and his work on the cross. We are joining in all of creation - the wind, waves and birds - as they also give praise to God in their natural state. The musicians and our combined voices catch us up in the reality that we are made to know and love God himself.

One of the reasons growing our affection for God is so critical is that whether we like it or not, the affections of our life set the direction of our life.

Affections set direction.

As we read last Sunday, in Luke 4 the devil attempted to sidetrack Jesus' mission by capturing the affections of his' heart.

Jesus overcame this temptation with a determination to "worship and serve" God alone. Once the affections of his heart were re-affirmed he came out of the wilderness in "power of the Spirit" and began to fulfil his eternal destiny!

Likewise, when we affirm in serving and song that our allegiance is to God alone, we reaffirm that our life belongs to God and his purposes for us.

As we gather for communion and worship this Sunday, I want to encourage you to step beyond eating and drinking communion, mouthing lyrics and clapping your hands, to open up your heart to a newfound affection for God.

May it be that as you drive home this Sunday evening your direction for the coming week is shaped by new depths of affection for God in your heart.

Cheers and see you Sunday!


Important Worship Gathering Details

Location: As per the last two gatherings, 209 Burgum Rd, North Maleny.

Pray AGAINST Rain: With all the rain, Bob said the farm urgently needs to dry out. He requested we pray for dry weather to ensure the farm is suitable and accessible!

Time: Please aim to arrive by 4pm so we can start with communion at 430 - earlier than previous.

Food: Rather than bringing dinner/picnic or doing a BBQ, please just bring whatever snacks you think you will need. We will aim to finish earlier (see above) so you can have dinner at home.

Playlist: Start listening now so you can worship without reading on Sunday 😄

so why 'worship', as we typically understand it in a church on Sundays to music, at all?

Affection sets direction

Our church has a youth group?!?

You may not know it, but Molly leads a combined (with City Life Baptist Church in Caloundra) youth group named Coastal Youth!

We're keen for you to know this for a few reasons:

  1. You may want to send your high schoolers.
  2. You may want to help out weekly/monthly/quarterly. All are welcome, but men are especially valued!
  3. We would love you to pray for the youth and the leaders!

Not only is it a wonderful time for between 50-90 youth from all around the coast to gather each Friday night from 7-9pm but God is doing some amazing things in the life of the ministry.

In partnership with City Life and Caloundra Christian College we are seeing not only some youth come to faith, but many of the teens grow in their knowledge of Jesus and their capacity to help lead others to him as well. This was very evident when a bunch of our youth were able to attend Alpha's National young leaders retreat.

If you've never met Molly or our other leaders, please reach out and introduce yourself this Sunday!

You can check out Coastal Youth's Instagram feed to see what they're up to!

Youth Hangout this Friday

If any Open Road youth want to hang out before term goes back, they are meeting at Molly's house (Brad + Linda's house) from 5-8pm THIS FRIDAY!

Get in touch with Molly for more info.

Coming Up


Fri 12 Apr 5-8pm Youth hangout at White's
Sun 14 Apr 4pm Worship Gathering: 209 Burgum Rd, North Maleny
Sun 21 Apr 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 28 Apr 4pm Moffat Gathering - Baptisms anyone?


Sun 05 May 4pm Moffat Gathering (no worship event due to long weekend)
Sun 12 May 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 19 May 4pm Moffat Gathering - get baptised!
Sun 26 May 4pm Moffat Gathering


Sun 02 June 4pm Worship Gathering TBC
Sun 09 June 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 16 June 4pm Moffat Gathering - Jersey's baptism! Join her?
Sun 23 June 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 30 June 4pm Moffat Gathering

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus.

Our Rhythms

Get to Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you intentionally open up your life to?
Gather and get involved: who can you connect, listen, share or pray with this weekend?

Our Giving

We are slowly being led to needs for our giving kitty! Please take time to ask God if there is someone in need around you whom God wants you/us to help!

Last month's giving: $11,412
Last month's expenses: $5,730
Balance: $48,946
Giving Kitty Oct-Mar: $5,000
Giving out Oct-Mar: $1,280

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

If you would like to support what we are doing and our giving to those in need, you can get started with giving to Open Road to meet needs as a church or get in touch with any questions you may have.

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