This coming week from the 2nd to the 8th of June is Prayer Week for QLD Baptists (QB). We'll engage with this on both Sunday at our worship gathering and midweek at a Tuesday evening prayer night.

With an earlier start time, we'll be out of the hall before the sun sets! :)

Sunday 3pm Worship

Our worship night is back on the first Sunday of next month. Join us as we share tucker, communion, worship and prayer! On Sunday I'll invite us all to identify a single prayer for each of us to bring to God for the week.​

3-5 pm @ 209 Burgum Rd, North Maleny
Bring afternoon snacks to share
All welcome. Plenty of room for kids to run!
Worship lyrics here

We will experiment this Sunday by providing the below link that will load the worship lyrics on our phones. This keeps midweek preparations to a minimum and ensures everyone can access the lyrics. As Sally encouraged us last Sunday we'll avoid printing handouts for beach gatherings too. This not only minimises admin work but will encourage us to get familiar with our Bibles and Bible apps :)

If this is problematic for you, let me know by hitting REPLY ASAP so that we can accommodate your needs as best we can 😄

Worship lyrics here

Prayer Night, Tuesday 4th June

On Tuesday I'll lead prayer from 645pm. We will aim to be praying from 700 to 800pm as QB churches from all over QLD will be praying at the same time!

Everyone is welcome, even those who want to simply listen in to others praying :)

We will be praying for:

1) Churches throughout QLD.
2) That Open Road might continue to seek God's direction.
3) The prayers we are each bringing to God over the week.

Venue TBC based on how many people express interest on Sunday :)

Simplifying Sundays

In a simple experiment, this Sunday I'd love you to bring either a Bible or your phone with a Bible App ( is the simplest!).

Last week some of us met to discuss how we can (a) minimise the midweek 'jobs' for Open Road and (b) re-affirm the importance of each of us practising opening up our Bibles, whether physical or digital.

So, we will experiment and see if (a) it saves us a bit of time printing the handouts, (b) we are reminded we can easily read God's Word on the go, every day of our lives and (c) there is no significant negative impact.

Coming Up


Sun 02 June 3pm Worship Gathering - 209 Burgum Rd, North Maleny
Sun 09 June 3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 16 June 3pm Moffat Gathering - Jersey's baptism!
Sun 23 June 3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 30 June 3pm Moffat Gathering

Worship Gatherings - Venue, Times TBC

Sun 07 July Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 04 Aug Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 01 Sep Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 29 Sep Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 03 Nov Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 01 Dec Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus.

Our Rhythms

Get to Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you intentionally open up your life to?
Gather and get involved: who can you connect, listen, share or pray with this weekend?

Our Giving

We are slowly being led to needs for our giving kitty! Please take time to ask God if there is someone in need around you whom God wants you/us to help!

Last month's giving: $16,285
Last month's expenses: $9,189
Balance: $46,252
Giving Kitty Oct-Mar: $5,000
Giving out Oct-May: $2,930

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

If you would like to support what we are doing and our giving to those in need, you can get started with giving to Open Road to meet needs as a church or get in touch with any questions you may have.

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